Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Oh man, I just got done watching Pat Buchanan sitting in for Joe Scarborough. The segment was on The Passion. It was an entertaining, if ultimately useless, argument, but it was eminently entertaining watching Rabbi Shmuley Boteach scream at Jennifer Giroux, calling her an "ignorant peasant." That was worth the price of admission.
But most worthwhile was my discovery of this lovely creature, Govindini Murty (the picture on that page does not do her justice - far more lovely in full color), who's existence, and the existence of her Liberty Film Festival (oh yeah, her husband is in on it, too, but forget that) show that yes, there is conservative, pro-America, life in Hollywood...and it is gooood.
Heh, I knew Jason Apuzzo at Yale -- didn't remember him having such a hot, right-wing girlfriend, though.
Good for them! The only thing rarer than Industry conservatives is classmates of mine who went to Hollywood and actually succeeded in the entertainment industry. Damn Harvard alumni mafia...