
Thursday, December 30, 2004

I may have slandered California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizza unfairly. It may just have been a virus (isn't this exciting!). My wife was also under the weather, and after the nausea subsided, I still had a day of slight fever - 101 degrees or so. I don't think that's food poisoning. I'm still feeling a little "off" today, but nowhere near as bad.

Fevers are a funny thing. You may feel only slightly achy, but the world seems at a strange tilt - perceptions are off, the negative and hopelessness is amplified - things that comprise normal, pleasurable activity like blogging or reading just annoy.

I have it to a fair certainty that certain well-known public news and entertainment personalities walk around with perpetually elevated body temperatures.

Remind me to tell you some day of the worst food-poisoning I've ever had to endure - when two sushi chef friends of my wife came a visiting. Had me on my back (when I wasn't leaning forward or sitting) for four days straight, and that was just the start of it. Let's just say, Beware the beef tataki that's been sitting out too long.

1 Comment

"Let's just say, Beware the beef tataki that's been sitting out too long."

Duly noted! (especially since someone tried talking me into eating some recently!)

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