
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations has a bold heading in their latest email alert:


Followed by pointers to two articles about some aid groups run by Evangelicals who take the opportunity to do a little saving of souls (their view) along with their saving of lives and alleviating of suffering here on earth. The articles are here:

Agape Press: Ministry Joins Tsunami Response, Bringing Physical, Spiritual Aid and Philadelphia Inquirer: Some Christian groups spread supplies - and the word

Now I, like some of those quoted in the second article, have my doubts about the wisdom of proselytizing in circumstances like these, although I'm not sure why that's CAIR's concern. If getting some fresh water means having to take a flyer with a print-out of the Sermon on the Mount on it, I say give me the H2O. I sincerely doubt the people in need are going to mind a little God-talk when their lives are at stake.

But CAIR itself isn't above making a little hay on the tragedy, either. They were mighty quick distributing this canned press-release to their people in order to encourage them to get themselves a little free good-publicity:


(NOTE: Modify the press release below by using local information. Then, call your local newspapers, TV and radio stations to find out the appropriate person to send the press release to. Also send a copy to the Daybook editor at the nearest Associated Press office. Visit for more details.)


WHAT: On Friday, December 31, Muslims in [your city or state] will offer prayers for those who died as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Asia. The prayers, called salat al-ghaib (sa-laat-all-guy-ib), or "prayers for those who have died in a distant place," will be held following the regular Friday
Jum'ah prayers at [location].

WHEN: Friday, December 21. Jum'ah prayers begin at [time].

WHERE: [location, address and directions]

CONTACT: [names and phone numbers of contact people]

NOTE: Because this is a religious service, reporters and photographers of both sexes should dress modestly. Photographers should arrive early to get into position for the best shots. Photographers are also advised not to step directly in front of worshipers and to seek permission for close-up shots.

I originally told the outraged emailer who sent me this ('Other organizations are too damn busy responding to the disaster, not sending out mass press releases and setting up photo opps!') back on 12/29 that I wasn't that bent out of shape over it. After all, that's what advocacy groups with publicity...and as long as the events they're announcing are really happening there's no real story there to me.

But since CAIR is worried about what those nasty Christians might be doing to exploit the tragedy, suddenly it seems more relevant. Perhaps they're worried more about a little reverse Dawa than people getting essential aid.

There's also something odd about a group founded by Hamas complaining about others "exploiting tragedy."

If you'd like to help the victims, here is USAID's page of charities to donate to.

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