
Friday, January 28, 2005

Yes, two years ago today I put up my first posts at Was it only two years? It feels like much longer. I didn't know what a blog was. I just wanted a place on the web of my own to take out my frustrations and pin up my thoughts to add to the whole...gestalt out there. "Solomonia...generating the zeitgeist wave since aught-three." Then I discovered there was something called "blogging software" that made the coding much easier, and then...the rest is history...checking referrer logs, happy to make someone's blogroll, annoyed when dropped...all that baggage that comes with the territory. Somewhere in there I was finally able to do a post about what I Think, which I could not have done when I started, and I became comfortable enough to stop speaking in the third-person "they" when discussing Jewish issues and started using the word "we." Hmmm...that one could make a good future post.

I've had my share of stuff linked by other bloggers, gotten a few "Instalanches" and all that. Monetary remuneration has amounted to one $11.75 gift certificate earned from people using my Amazon links at right, and one free review copy of Steven Vincent's excellent In the Red Zone.

Thanks to all of you who have been stopping by, and to all you bloggers who have been kind enough to add me to your links or place posts linking or quoting my remarks. That's always a rush. Still haven't been picked or asked to do anything for any legacy media - even the online versions - other than one letter to the editor which I would not have written before I began blogging, but that's OK. I need to write better stuff!

Once again, thanks to all who read. There's no other reason to do it. And remember, I always welcome feedback - from the color and layout of the blog, to the type and subject of posts you prefer - links or more analysis, politics (domestic or foreign) or fun stuff - whatever.

Now, if you'd like to give me a present, aside from using my Amazon link to buy something for yourself and earn me a little commission (at no additional cost to you), let me repeat what I mentioned below:

...the voting is now under way in the preliminary round of IsraellyCool's Jewish and Israeli Blogger Awards and I need your help in order to avoid complete and total humiliation! Please go vote for me (and check out some of the other cool blogs - you may find some others you like)! The page containing all the votes is here. You can vote once a day and I encourage you to do so! Look for me under "Best Overall Blog (Group B)," and "Best Politics, Current Affairs, and Academia Blog (Group B)." Also, look for Burnt Offerings under "Best Post by a Jewish Blogger (Group B)," and Boston Rally under "Best Series by a Jewish Blogger (Group A)." Thank you for your support, and don't forget to take a look at some of the other nominees. Send me an email or a comment that you voted for me and I'll...say thank you...or something.

Yes, take that advice to check out some of the other nominees, and chalk up a vote for some of the other nominees who also link here, like Celestial Blue, Smooth Stone, Somewhere on A1A, Meryl Yourish, Rishon-Rishon, Israpundit, Head Heeb, Roger L. Simon and LGF (who doesn't need much help, actually). Sorry if I missed anyone.

Yes, thanks to all, and here's to another two years!

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