
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Yes, he admits it - he's not of Native American ancestry. Via this post at LGF, which quotes this story describing a recent talk of his:

Churchill did address the issue of his ethnicity, admitting that he is not Native American.

“Is he an Indian? Do we really care?” he said, quoting those he called his “white Republican” critics.

“Let’s cut to the chase; I am not,” he said.

His pedigree is “not important,” Churchill said: “The issue is the substance of what is said.”

He went on to explain that the issue of whether he is Native American has been blown up by sloppy reporting and reporters quoting other reporters.

Just another episode in the continuing series: The truth isn't as important as your intentions. Last episode here.

Update 2/24/05: Churchill was apparently misquoted.

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