
Friday, April 1, 2005

Not. At least not according to this latest report from Palestinian Media Watch. Y'know, one could easily get the idea that without hatred for Jews coupled with their cult of victimhood, the Palestinian Arabs would be left with no identity whatsoever. No wonder it's so hard to give it up.

New Hate Song on PA TV:
Israelis kill Palestinians in God's name
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, April 1, 2005

Despite vows by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas to remove incitement to hatred and violence against Israel from official Palestinian television, the incitement to hatred continues with new programming on PA TV. A cultural program broadcast this week features a song laced with hatred of Israel, accusing Israel of torturing, mutilating and killing Palestinians in the name of God.

As PMW has reported in the past, PA TV has for years used songs and music videos as a vehicle to impart educational messages, and has even mandated the killing of Jews as a religious necessity for Muslims.

To view the report, Kill a Jew - Go To Heaven, click here


...This week's program promotes hatred in a new way. Perhaps to justify the PA's portrayal of genocide as religious necessity -- the message here is that Israel is killing Palestinians in God's name.

In the program, A Mirror of the Palestinian Heritage, a woman is seen writing the words, "a mirror of the Palestinian heritage," over a map of Israel -- thus portraying all of Israel as occupied "Palestine." The song to which the women dance accuses Israel of heinous crimes against the Palestinians, and accuses Israel of committing all these evils in the name of God.

The following is an excerpt from the TV program.

To view this segment, click here

Women dancing to the music (the melody is reminiscent of an Eastern European lullaby):

O my God, hear my prayer (twice)

Here I am O Lord, alive
In your name, my God, they tortured me
In your name, my God, they banished me
In your name they exterminated
In your name they ruled.

O my God, hear my prayer

They bombed the land, divided it and stole it
The truth they mutilated
Freedom they suppressed
And our fields they burned.

Our villages they uprooted
With their houses replaced them
In your name, my God, they tortured me
In your name, my God, they banished me
In your name, they destroyed
In your name they ruled.

O my God, hear my prayer
In our homes they attacked us
They threatened us with destruction
They pushed us to annihilation.

With bombs they burned us
In blood they drowned us
In dungeons they cuffed us
On the anvil they put us.

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