
Friday, April 8, 2005

Klocek himself might not be saying much, but his lawyer sure is.

Free speech under fire at DePaul

...Kloceck, who has been working on his PhD at the University of Chicago while teaching, felt his free speech had been violated and sought out a lawyer, John Mauck, who specializes in First Amendment and free-speech issues. Since then, the matter has received attention nationally on conservative talk radio and the New York Post, but not much in the local news.

Mauck said he decided to take the case after reading an October 8 letter from Dumbleton printed in the school's newspaper, The DePaulia, after Dumbleton advised Klocek not to speak to the press. Mauck took particular umbrage at a passage that focused on the content of Klocek's speech rather than his conduct toward the students:

“No students anywhere should ever have to be concerned they will be verbally attacked for their religious belief or their ethnicity,” Dumbleton wrote. “No one should ever use the role of teacher to demean the ideas of others or insist on the absoluteness of an opinion, much less press erroneous assertions.”

Says Mauck, “That’s what got me going,” he said. “This was about content, not conduct.”...

The whole story is here.

Previous entries on the DePaul issue here, here, here, here and here.


You're tellin me that he (pictured) is not a religious Jewish guy?

What's up with that beard then?

Heh. Some people just like beards, y'know. Maybe he's Amish. ;)

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