
Thursday, April 14, 2005

If you want to understand why some of us former "liberals" started to listen a little closer to the other side, and even (and therefore) started agreeing with them on a lot of things, it's because of the behavior of some of the people who we were formerly aligned with, like the people who showed up to a CIA and DHS recruiting panel at of whom induced himself to vomit. (via Best of the Web)

The Crimson: Political Vomit

Yesterday was the first time that I was both embarrassed and ashamed to be associated with my fellow Harvard students.

At 3 p.m. yesterday, the Harvard Office of Career Services hosted a counterterrorism career panel that included representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and two non-partisan security think tanks. Joining the panelists were two distinct groups of Harvard students: one genuinely interested in potential careers in counter-terrorism, and another group consisting of rude, self-proclaimed morally superior, intellectually indoctrinated protestors. Let me be perfectly clear, while a tasteful protest marched on outside the Science Center, I am referring to the disruptive protestors sitting at the event. The propagandists' techniques of disruption varied: their base tactics ranged from coughing incessantly to the point where none of the panelists could be heard, interrupting presentations to ask ludicrous questions such as "Isn't it true you train your employees to torture," staging a mock deportation of an ethnic minority protestor midway through the discussion, clapping obnoxiously to halt the dialogue, and ridiculing students who posed legitimate questions to the panelists. A protestor sitting three rows behind me physically made himself vomit...

This article identifies the guy as "Matthew R. Skomarovsky '03". And to think Harvard didn't accept me, but they graduated that guy. Make yourself puke? Hell, even I, a mere BU graduate know enough to do that into a toilet.

Which reminds me of a very old joke:

A Harvard guy and a BU guy (you could sub-in any two schools) are relieving themselves at two urinals.

When they finish, the Harvard guy stops and washes his hands, while the BU guy heads straight for the door.

So the Harvard guy says, "You know, at Hahvahd, they teach us to wash our hands after urinating."

To which the BU guy replies, "Oh yeah? At BU they teach us not to piss on our hands."


The author concludes her piece with this little spotlight on that oh-so-typical Leftist hypocrisy:

...In the end, for a group of students that claims to be advocating among many other causes, for workers’ rights, who do you think will clean up the remnants of your protest? That’s right, the Harvard worker, who you loftily claim to be advocating for, is cleaning up your disgusting vomit.


While I certainly don't disagree with the notion that groups attempting to disrupt forums is inappropriate and rude, it's most certainly not the providence of liberals.

I've attended multiple political liberal events in which conservatives have shown up in an effort to disrupt. They were rude, aggressive and downright nasty in many situations.

That said, I don't paint all conservatives with that broad brush because I witnessed or heard about some rude and disgusting conservatives. Nor do I, as a liberal, wish to be painted with that brush by a conservative.

I'd like to be even-handed, but I can't agree with you that there's any sort of equivalency between the behavior of "right" and "left" - certainly not on college campuses. This sort of behavior is almost exclusively a province of the left...certainly on the campus.

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