
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Technical/Administrative announcement.

Hi there! A couple things:

I am planning on changing hosting services (I'm joining the club and moving to Hosting Matters). That means the site may go down for a bit when I start the move, and may be a tad flaky when it comes back up while I flip the requisite switches to get things going smoothly again. Hopefully that won't take very long.

I've not started the move quite yet, but I won't be posting much between now and then (I reserve the right to change this) as I may lose the posts and any comments. This will happen very soon, I hope.

To wet your appetite for future content, I am planning on meeting with Professor Richard Landes later in the week to possibly interview him for the blog (search for "Landes" in the search box to find out what he's about). That should result in something interesting.

Sorry if posting has been relatively sporadic of late. With Spring and nice weather, lots of yard work and painting and staining to do, busy at work, and my foolishness in re-installing Civilization 3...well, you know how it goes. I have tried to make sure that there is usually something interesting to look at here on any given day.

Keep checking back early and often, and thanks for your continued visits.

Update: 4/20 10:30PM - Switch seems to have been successful - and smooth - only lost one comment that was left in between the time I backed-up the database and when I switched things over. I even upgraded to the latest version of MT while I was at it. Please report any problems you see. Kudos to Hosting Matters for helping me get the database re-installed. Here I thought tech support was just the people you called when the site was down. Who knew they actually...did stuff?

Back to regular posting soon - but maybe not till Friday.

1 Comment

Good Luck, I hope any outages are short lived.

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