
Friday, July 15, 2005

Yes, I have added unobtrusive links for donations through Amazon and Paypal at the right.

I had avoided this for some time for reasons I have stated previously, but for various reasons now have decided to start accepting tips. Costs for maintaining this site are not oppressive, but they do exist, and a few bucks from people who find something of value here wouldn't hurt. It also wouldn't hurt in providing some justification to my wife and other loved ones who are jealous of the time I spend tinkering and posting. The Amazon gift certificate I got from people using my Amazon links (thanks, btw!) and the minor attention outside the blogosphere this blog has gotten lately have had an amazingly positive effect in this regard. Being able to show even some minor cash return would likely buy me a surprising quantity of indulgences.

Donations are, of course(!), altogether voluntary, and I have no intention of flogging the tip-jar with frequent nags. Even this little announcement will soon work its way down the memory-hole as I post new content. There are also other ways to donate aside from cash. Leave comments (short is fine), send me an email, give me feedback on site-design or layout -- basically, keep letting me know there are people reading beyond what shows up in the referrer logs. That has value.

[Edit: You may also continue to use my Amazon links to buy yourself something, of which I will get a percentage and it costs you nothing extra. Use the generic link and surf to your item. You're not tied to the few books I have listed.]

So come on you representatives of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, you International Zionists, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Martin Kramer and nice elderly ladies looking for a little male companionship...the links are at right.

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