
Monday, July 18, 2005

Martin Peretz is worth a read, as always:

The New Republic: Leading Role

I landed in Israel last Tuesday. Just before my plane touched down a suicide bomber blew himself up in Netanya, proclaiming his arrival in paradise, and--as a certification of his entitlement to paradise--announcing that he had taken the lives of five Jews with him. On Thursday, a 22-year-old woman, sitting with her by-now-wounded boyfriend, was killed in old Israel by a Kassam rocket aimed from Gaza, about to be turned over to the Palestinian Authority (if it can hold it) and (if it can't), in the end, to Hamas, which won't even fake saying that it wants to end the bloodshed with the Jewish state. As The Jerusalem Post pointed out this morning, Netiv Ha'asara, the Negev village in which Dana Galkovitch was murdered in her stunning innocence, had just been certified by "moderate" P.A. minister Mohammad Dahlan to be part of the territory that would have to change hands even in a provisional settlement with Israel. The rub is that this new territorial claim extends to land allocated to Israel by the 1949 Rhodes Armistice Agreement, which is what constitutes the 1967 borders. But the 1967 ceasefire lines are supposed to be sacrosanct. In any case, they include kibbutzim that go back to Israel's pre-state history. Only last week, John Judis asserted on this website--he is not alone in the callowness of his cause-and-effect analysis of the origins of Muslim terrorism--that a return to 1967 is a sine qua non for peace, not just between Israel and its neighbors but between the West and Islam. Yes, Israel will return (to be truthful, it won't) to its fragile territories of 57 years ago. And what is supposed to happen? The future killers for Islam, the spiritual comrades of the wired-up holy martyrs at Bali, Madrid, London, and of Mohammad Atta's gang in New York and the Pentagon, will stop short in their elaborate conspiracies and go back to live their resentful lives in peace. Oh, the burdens on these precarious frontiers...

All is good.

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