Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Leave to Al Manar're watching a show with high production values and there's some guy on there spouting the A#1 Prime-cut crazy crap. It never fails. The most disturbing part is that one must remember this is not a joke, and not an extra minute or two dedicated to a fringe theory for the sake of free-speech and inclusion -- this is the reality shared by large numbers of people.

[Note: the clip given on the MEMRI page is incorrect. The URL that leads to the correct video is here.]
"It is global Zionism that stands to gain the most from this.
"Regardless of the logic of conspiracy, I would like to say something. We read history, and we know that since The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Zionism has forged the New Testament – and by now, 60 million in the U.S. alone have left Christianity to become believers in the Torah.
"Global Zionism has tried to forge the Holy Koran, and has printed many copies of this forgery. It has been discovered that many extremist movements were backed by [global Zionism]."
60 Million? This is good news. Does AIPAC know?