Friday, July 29, 2005
The bank directly next to my office was robbed this afternoon. Apparently, the robbers left a "device" inside. No one was hurt, but the bank has been evacuated and now Main Street is shut down as the investigation goes on and the Bomb Squad has come in. I have watched a Bomb Squad guy go in and out, and they are assembling what looks like a bomb robot behind my office. This is going on NOW. I have set up a gallery of pictures of what I have seen so far here. When the Bomb Squad arrived I decided things were interesting enough to start blogging and taking photos. Note that the photos have all been taken through screens or windows. I don't want to go outside because I don't want to get chased off. I am surrounded by this. Helicopters are overhead and news crews are setting up live shots. One even called here and asked "We hear there's a bank robbery near there, can you tell us anything?"
Again, the album is here. More explanation of the pictures later. Please note that you may not use the photos for any commercial purpose whatsoever without my permission.
I will be adding more.
Update: I had seen them put what looked like a shotgun shell into the silver tube on the "robot." The guy in the green suit took it inside (no wheels). They're probably going to use it to try to detonate whatever it is by shooting it. He brought a cable out from inside the bank, now he's gone back in, maybe to make the final connection and aim?
Update2 16:49: "Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!" I could see the spark travel down chord and heard the report from inside the bank. No secondary explosion. Green suit going back in to check it out...
Update3 16:53: All set. Green suit came back out with his green suit off and they've yelled out to open the street back up. One of the cops said, "Where's the FBI, it's all there. The evidence is all there, go ahead."
Update4 17:05: Well, that was interesting.
Update5: OK, to anticipate a couple of questions. No, I did not see the robbery happen. I wish I had been paying attention as all I would have had to have done would be to look out the window from where I am sitting (and typing) and see the guy come out of the bank. I did not become aware of anything until the police came and started putting up tape and the bank employees came out and started lounging on my front steps. Actually, just before that a woman was in the parking lot talking to a cop (they came up quietly rather than sirens blazing) and it sounded like maybe she got threatened or robbed at the ATM or something. Then the cop started putting up tape, they sent the employees off (onto my front area) and more cops came. Then someone identifying themselves as from CBS4 called and said they heard there was a bank robbery in the area and did I know anything about it? Are they evacuating buildings? I told them, no, it's right next door, but they haven't told me to leave. Is there a bomb? Is the bomb squad there? No, no bomb squad, but I did hear someone talking about a small "device" maybe wrapped up in tape "smaller than a flare."
I hung up with her, and a few minutes later the guy in the green suit showed up, they shut down the street and I figured I may as well start taking some pictures...and there they are.