
Monday, August 15, 2005

ITN is running an online poll:

Vote for the most significant shot from 50 years of News on ITV. Sir Trevor McDonald will host a special programme on ITV on 27 September 2005 to announce the results.

The 50 shots are divided into five categories: Global Conflict, People Power & Politics, Human Tragedy, World Firsts and Sporting Greats. You can vote once in each category.

Click on the images below to enter each category.

Under "Global Conflict" you will see that one of the items is the widely discredit Muhammed al-Dura video, which ITN credulously describes thus:

Israeli soldiers shot dead 12 year old Muhammad al-Durra as he sheltered behind his father on 30 September 2002 during the Palestinian intifada

Considering all of the evidence which has come out subsequently, this is an outrageous description. It's undoubtedly an influential picture, but not under that description.

Be sure to go to the site, click on Global Conflict and then vote -- I would say for anything else, but it's probably wiser to cluster on one choice. I would suggest "Twin Towers." It's a better choice, anyway.

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