
Friday, August 19, 2005

Did you hear? American racism radicalized ideological Bin Laden Godfather, Sayyid Qutb. Yeah, it's true. At least according to Naomi Klein. The depths to which the far-Left searches for self-loathing and self-justification never cease to amaze. Not only is American foreign policy to blame for our ills, but our domestic nature, too, is what we suffer for. Fortunately, we have Robert Spencer to set the record straight.

Did American Racism Cause Jihad?

...“Qutb’s world-changing rage?” Is that rage really Qutb’s? Can modern-day Islamic terrorism really be attributed to him, and to his experience of racism in Colorado? One would expect that if that were so, there would be no evidence of political or violent Islam dating from before 1948. But in fact the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Qutb was part, was founded not in 1948 but in 1928, and not by Qutb, but by Hasan Al-Banna. It was Al-Banna, not Qutb, who wrote: “In [Muslim] Tradition, there is a clear indication of the obligation to fight the People of the Book [that is, Jews and Christians], and of the fact that God doubles the reward of those who fight them. Jihad is not against polytheists alone, but against all who do not embrace Islam.” Does he mean a military jihad? Most certainly: “Know then that death is inevitable, and that it can only happen once. If you suffer it in the way of God, it will be your profit in this world, and your reward in the next.”[1] Al-Banna is not on record saying that Islamic Tradition mandated warfare against Jews and Christians as a response to American racism — or, for that matter, as a response to any alleged enormities of American foreign policy. Fourteen years before Israel was founded and Qutb arrived in Colorado, Al-Banna wrote: “It is a duty incumbent on every Muslim to struggle towards the aim of making every people Muslim and the whole world Islamic, so that the banner of Islam can flutter over the earth and the call of the Muezzin can resound in all the corners of the world: God is greatest [Allahu akbar]!”...

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