
Sunday, August 21, 2005

Catfish reports back on what he saw in his trip down to the professional protests in Crawford. Interesting stuff.

...I made my way further and further into the countryside, and noticed there were large numbers of folks leaving, and I was the only one headed in. I figured that was either really good, or really bad. From what I would later gather, there was a shift change of the anti’s. Finally, I reached the site of the demonstration and noticed 4 Sheriff’s cruisers, with the Sheriffs out directing traffic and being very visible. I stopped and asked them which way to parking and they pointed the way.

To the right side of the road were the pro-Bushies. There were maybe a dozen, holding signs and trying to stay out of the heat, which was significant. On the left side of the road were the anti’s. Tents, cars, and a somber line of crosses make up their demonstration. As I drove past both camps, it was humorous to feel the eyes of both camps as each side tried to size up which side I belonged to...

(via Daisy Cutter)

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