Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The web site Professor Richard Landes discussed in our interview is now open for business.
I highly recommend you head over to The Second Draft and start having a look around. Like any brand new web site, there will be some rough edges, but the meat of the site is all in order. There's a ton of text to sift through, and perhaps most interesting, there's some very eye-opening video to download. The Richard Landes, Nidra Poller produced film "Pallywood" is available for download, and you can watch excerpts and other snips of video with or without overdubbed narration so you can form your own sense of things.
I had seen excerpts of this film at a presentation a year ago, and it's very exciting to know that a mass audience is now also going to get a look.
If The Second Draft doesn't start getting its bandwidth hammered by people downloading video and reading analysis it would be a real shame indeed. Some people are impervious to proof...or the obvious...but for most people who delve into this site, things will never be the least we can hope. Pass the word.

Update: Daniel in Brookline is impressed. Honest Reporting's Backspin Blog reacts, as does Lynn B. Alan Forrester says, "Go now." I couldn't agree more. Mick calls it "Faking it" and culls an illuminating quote. Pieter also links the site and says thanks for the sneak peak. You're most welcome! (Yes, bloggers who accepted my invitation to link the original interview -- unless I missed their post -- were rewarded with an early peak of the Second Draft site as a thank-you.)
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Welcome to the 37th edition of Haveil Havalim the Jewish/ Israel blogging "carnival". I'll have more to add later, but I really have to run now. Next week's scheduled hostess is Kesher Talk followed on Oct 2 by Serandez. More... Read More
thanks for the vote of confidence. hoping to get not only visits, but comments. there's a whole blogosphere of independent minds out there that we are addressing.
The written essays are also very good - summarizing a lot of the psychological pathology in Arab-Western communications in general.
Thanks for the link, Sol!
And a hearty congratulations to Prof. Landes. You're doing vital work, work that may well save many lives in years to come.
Keep fighting the good fight... and don't let CAIR get you down.
Daniel in Brookline
Thanks for posting this. Landes et al seem to have done a great job.
I have to say, though -- watching their presentation on Pallywood made me physically sick.
Yes, I know this occurs, but I was surprised at how blatant it was. I'm wondering where they got the raw footage. If CBS had this footage and still ran that story . . . that implies intent.
"If [x] had this footage and still ran that story . . . that implies intent."
that's what i initially thought, until i spoke with MSM folk, who actually have trained themselves not to see this as fake. it's pretty amazing. a fifteen year old can see it, but as one correspondent who was posted in the area from 1999-2002 told me, "we could argue about every frame..."
and i don't think he was dishonest about it. that's why we have the section on MEDIA: THE PROBLEM and REFLECTIONS, because this really is a much more complex issue, a kind of "power of suggestion" on the one hand, and unwillingness to swim against the current on the other. it's much more complicated than simple honesty/lying. if it weren't so serious in its consequences, it would be quite funny.
You may be right. It is very difficult for me to judge intent. But this seems obvious enough that it comes off as deliberate.
If this is just a blind spot ecouraged by the "media culture" -- well then it seems more like severe mental illness.
I bet that same guy was one of the chorus that had no problems 'casting a definitive judgment on Israel's War Crimes in Jenin' though without even Pallywood proof... just Saeb Ereket's "words"....
Good job on the production. Solomon and I both thought that Honest Reporting's work had a little bit of overdoneness' to it...
I thought this was professional, not over the top and came off well.
Now if we can get our hands on the rest of the 'faked' footage France 2 "won't release" on Al Durra's 'murder' imagine?