
Monday, September 19, 2005

Cathy Young writes about the disturbing overlap between moderate, mainstream Muslim thought and anti-Semitism. While blog readers are likely well-familiar with the stories she cites, I'd bet it's the only mention most Globe or other MSM-consumers have come across...if they read Young's column.

I take issue with her mocking the concern "right wing bloggers" have with the Flight 93 memorial -- a red crescent pointed toward Mecca...bad taste at best -- but aside from that, it's refreshing to see this in the Globe.

Muslims and the Holocaust

RECENTLY IN England, four Muslim-staffed committees appointed to advise Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Cabinet on issues related to Islam have come up with a recommendation: Get rid of an official event viewed as offensive to Muslims. What event would that be? A celebration of the Crusades, perhaps? No, Holocaust Memorial Day.

In the words of one committee member, ''The very name Holocaust Memorial Day sounds too exclusive to many young Muslims. It sends out the wrong signals: that the lives of one people are to be remembered more than others."

That ''one people," of course, are the Jews...


To put it in mild, understated terms, this issue is replete with historical ironies.

He has some great stuff on that site.

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