Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Those interested in divestment should not miss Alyssa A. Lappen's report on Sabeel's smash-Israel charity shin-dig held in Chicago a few days back. "Peace" and "justice" do not apply.
...At times, the out-and-out Jew-hatred advanced in Chicago even came from Jews themselves. Baylor University professor of American and Jewish Studies Marc Ellis, for example, gave a power-point presentation featuring photographs of a Torah scroll superimposed with pictures of Israeli tanks and helicopters and Palestinians climbing over Israel's security barrier. “He delegitimized everything Jewish,” says Allyson Rowen Taylor, a western region American Jewish Congress Associate Director who attended. “He said that now, when he reads the Torah to his son, he is afraid. When he sees the Torah taken from the Arc [in a Jewish sanctuary], he is afraid, and he has taught his son to feel the same way. He is basically indoctrinating every Christian at Baylor” to accept classic anti-Semitic portrayals of Jews.
Citing Richard Rubenstein's landmark book, After Auschwitz,—which brought laughter from the audience of 200—Ellis rhetorically asked, “What can Jews say about the covenant after Auschwitz” and then sarcastically answered his own question. “It's broken. There is a necessity for Jews to have power, ... and Israel is an embodiment of that power. No one can ever tell Jews how to have power. They dictate.”...
Read the rest. Shame on the mainline Protestant denominations and anyone else who participated in this.