
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

An excellent post exposing the bizarre blatherings of Clare Short and the other supporters of the execrable Rachel Corrie Cantata - The Skies are Weeping here, at Adloyada.

...Clare lets us know that it's actually USA support for Israel's policies of expanding the Israeli state (unspecified, perhaps she'll write an article in the Guardian or the Independent soon to let us know) that causes most of the division and violence in the world. Like, oh Darfur, Zimbabwe, North Korea... Yup, it's all down to those pesky expanding Israelis, supported by US policy. Presumably if Israel just gave up on its supposed attempts at expansion, those Hamas and Hezbollah guys would pack up those funny little suicide belts of theirs and head off home...

Far from it, of course. In fact, suicide terror has been brought to high art, exported, excused and justified by humanitarians world-wide -- people who's every impulse should be to know better instead seek every rationalization to support the cause they do. And what rationalization must that be? In order to turn their faces away from the true nature of the Palestinian culture of death that they have cultivated fertile international ground for they must believe that the behavior of Israelis, and in particular the behavior of Israeli Jews is singularly must be singularly demonic in order to create such a singularly demonic "resistance." You follow so far? In order to avoid condemning the Palestinian culture of "resistance" too hard, they must imagine that the Jews are even worse. But you and I know that it's not true. You and I know that no one with any perspective can imagine that what the Jews have done in defending themselves and building a society that's the envy of the region and should be a boon to its neighbors is worse than the bahavior of so many other states in so many other conflicts around the world that have not spawned such loathsome and murderous opposition.

That imagining, that constructed vision of Jews as particularly evil actors is the very definition of anti-Semitism. The lies upon lies to construct it are anti-Semitic. That is the real wall that is the true obstacle to peace in the region. The obsession to keep adding bricks, to refuse to tear it down to get at the truth -- the truth of a fair perspective, of a true narrative of events -- that is anti-Semitism.

The Jews who go along with it, who add mortar to that wall and worse, do so "as Jews," are a particularly naive or foolish or hateful breed. Someone should do a psychological study (they probably already have) of the supporters of the "Rachel Corrie Cantata" and their like, to examine the Jew haters and the naive tools among them with particular attention given to the complexities of the thought processes of their Jewish number.

Fortunately in London, there will be a peaceful resistance.

1 Comment

Isn't it funny how it's always the Jews! Do the leftists and anti-war crowd realize how much they all sound like Hitler? Ooops, never mind. I meant to say Stalin...

Israel withdraws from Gaza, and instead of peace, it's "on to Jerusalem!" and "death to the Zionists and their American lackeys!"

Some things just never change...

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