
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I have come around to the viewpoint that says that the Senate was woefully underprepared for the appearance of George Galloway before it, but I did hold out some hope that perhaps it was just a matter of the wheels of justice grinding slowly and not still waters running not very deep. Things are getting interesting again.

The Independent: Galloway lied over Iraqi oil payments, says Congress report

George Galloway, the British MP, was last night accused of lying by a US Congressional committee when he testified earlier this year that he had not received any United Nation food-for-oil allocations from the deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

In a report issued here, Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman and his colleagues on the Senate Subcommittee for Investigations claim to have evidence showing that Mr Galloway's political organisation and his wife received vouchers worth almost $600,000 (£338,000) from the then Iraqi government.

"We have what we call the smoking gun," said Mr Coleman...

I'm thinking the whole thing ends up amounting to nothing more than more theater, but who knows? Now that they've got something on the record, and plenty of time to prepare a case in the traditional manner, maybe they can commence to trying to salvage some chicken soup from all that chicken shit.


I was amazed and disgusted when Galloway quickly published a paperback book dealing with his testimony before Congress. Talk about shameless! He's actually making money on this thing.

"...maybe they can commence to trying to salvage some chicken soup from all that chicken shit. "

Ugh. Sol, surely you can do better than that. I don't know where you picked up that metaphor, but my lunch is yours if you want it.

Daniel in Brookline

Not enough salt? :)

Dear Sol,

Good luck figgering out which side is less screwed up.

Last month George Galloway and Jane Fonda were scheduled to speak here in Madison, WI. Fonda said she was sick, or sickening, whatever and no-showed. Galloway was there and I weaseled into the press conference with home made credentials and got four questions with him.

Worst thing is Galloway said to me "I'm beginning to think you're an honest man" I'm asking you not to hold that against me, although I did get in a shot about disco dancing with Tariq Aziz. Story and video here:

Mr. Galloway comes to Madison


Uncle J

Coleman et al were playing rope-a-dope while Galloway blustered. As usual, the moonbats ate it up and never saw the take-down coming. You would think after 5 years of Bush they would know his methods.

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