
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I've come to understand that some University of Massachusetts students are none-too-pleased with an invitation extended to an anti-Israel polemicist by the student chapter of Physicians for Human Rights. We're all familiar with the pattern. Everyone is concerned with "Human Rights," but there are always those ready to twist the words for use for a partisan or even twisted political agenda.

In this case, the invitation that has some folks up in arms is one extended to a highly partisan individual, Dr. Alice Rothchild of Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine. As per usual when we see "peace" and "justice" used in this context, it always seems to involve some form of the dismantling of Israel -- the only question becomes the means, as a look at the "issues" page of VOPJI/P shows -- it's a cavalcade of hits including tunes from the divestment, rationalization of suicide bombing, antisemitism is overblown, Zionism is Racism song books (and more!).

Given the guest of honor's proclivities and purposes, the organizer's assurances that the evening will be a dispassionate examination of the state of Human Rights from a physician's perspective ring rather hollow.

Here's the graphic they're using on the promotional posters:

I'm thinking the Human Right of people to ride buses without fear of dismemberment, the Human Right of parents to protect their children from murder, and the Human Right of people to live safely in their homes will not be high on the agenda. At least not if the Human Rights we're discussing are those of Israeli Jews.

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