Thursday, October 27, 2005
I haven't had time to read this JTA special report in full yet, and I've got to go out now, but I've no doubt it's worth checking out just on a quick skim, so here's the link:
Tainted Teachings: What your kids are learning about Israel, America and Islam
Saudi Arabia is paying to influence the teaching of American public schoolchildren. And the U.S. taxpayer is an unwitting accomplice. A special JTA investigation uncovers the complex path by which teaching materials creep into U.S. public schools. It reveals who creates these materials and how some of America's most prestigious universities — with the use of federal funds — help disseminate them.

What's the pictures of?
Same picture at the article I see.
You saw the hit piece Silverstein clown/nerd did on you but especially on Dave. And then his sanctimonious condescending attitude?
I used to comment at his site and complained at his intolerance. At first I thought he was trying to start a geniune new group (I believe it's the semitism blog now) with a discussion among varied opinions on the conflict.
He told me basically that if I didn't like the opinions there I could go elsewhere etc...
Yet now this **** is complaining and mocking Pajamas Media? Well, if he's got a problem with it what's the concern to him? He started his own much more closed group? But as you note it's worse... jeolousy, envy and condescension abound. It is has to be funded by some "in the shadows" wealthy Jew/Zionist. Yet wasn't this the same guy who assailed others for noting Saudi funding of anti-Israeli views at Columbia? Namely you? So money from an Islamofascist police state is good but money from a supposed American "Zionist" is "shadowy.
The picture is the entrance to Dar al Islam in New Mexico.
I'm done with Dave's comments section. Every time it's impossible to leave a comment. A turn off to even read his blog.
I'm having the same worry here, actually. I know commenters are falling victim to my server error problem and no one can pin down the cause yet. Working on it...