Monday, November 7, 2005
Always entertaining to read Martin Kramer taking down his "colleagues" in Middle East studies. This time it's Rashid Khalidi claiming in an interview published in something called Radical History Review, which, despite its name and avowed political slant, an emailer assures me is a legitimately serious academic journal.
Anyway, Kramer brings out some interesting statistics as he takes his whacks at the Khalidi pinata.
A journal called the Radical History Review, published by the Radical Historians' Organization, Inc. (!), has just published an interview with Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor at Columbia University. I can't possibly tackle this remarkable document in a single go—the dishonest elisions, the bombastic flourishes, the pompous posturing. It's 200-proof Khalidi; you don't drink it, you sip it...
Does Martin Kramer has anything to do with Cosmo Kramer !?
He does now: