
Sunday, November 27, 2005

MEMRI TV: Iraqi Sunni Imam Tells of Tortures and Calls on Iraqis to Slaughter American Soldiers for the Muslim Holiday

...Iran will never leave Iraq in peace. The Americans have got into a big mess. Those people (the Shiites) said to them: "The people you'll meet (in Iraq) will throw flowers to you." But within a few days, the heroes – may Allah bless them – emerged and got them into a quagmire, and now they are crying for help – look at the leader of the Democrats, two days ago.


That dog Bush goes out with his dog. He pets the dog, and says to the nation, the Muslims, and the whole world: "My dog is better than the whole world." And they all applaud him.


I say to the Iraqis whoever cannot slaughter (a sheep) on the Feast of Sacrifice, should take and American soldier and slaughter him.

A couple things here. First, the bad guys are listening to the Democrats. Second, do you think anyone at al-Jazeera told this guy he shouldn't say such things? They seemed to be having a pretty good time letting him go on and on. Yet if George Bush were to have discussed bombing that station -- at a time when there were serious allegations that al Jazeera reporters were paying people to cause trouble -- he'd be the bad guy.

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