
Monday, December 12, 2005

You remember Michael Graham. He was the Washington radio talk host who said:

Because of the mix of Islamic theology that - rightly or wrongly - is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam's name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn't have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don't support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion.

Overly strident...perhaps, but not so horrible, right? Well he was consequently s**t-canned for saying it. Read Andrew McCarthy's piece in NRO, here, for more details. (Also see here and here.)

Well, he's landed on his feet here on the radio in Boston, and the local Muslim American Society isn't pleased. This just came out on their email list:


"We are at war with a terrorist organization named Islam”.
- Michale Graham -

In August of 2005 Michael Graham was fired from WMAL-AM because he refused to apologize for saying on-air "We are at war with a terrorist organization named Islam”. Recently WTKK FM radio in Boston has hired Graham as their new afternoon drive host. Grahams comments are a blatent example of bigotry that has been able to creep into the American Society after September 11th which has been mainly fueled by racist talk radio.

MAS Freedom Foundation is looking for volunteers to monitor WTKK FM 96.9
Monday -Friday 3-7pm.
If you can contribute a few hours a week please contact us in order to coordinate our efforts...

Be careful, Michael, the MAS is watching.

Say the wrong thing, and you too could be fired, rendered unemployable or sued.


Perhaps Michael Graham supporters could organize ahead of time and do the same as MAS, call advertisers in support of him, call the radio station in support of him, and write letters to the editor of newspapers. Forstall and use their tactics to his advantage.

Excellent idea, Seawitch, preempt the MAS. Sol, got any free time to spearhead such a thing?

As I said back then: Bring Graham Back!!, I don't really, but I'm not sure I'd worry at this point. I'm sure WTKK and Graham can take care of themselves. First of all, the station must know what they're getting with Graham, and he's replacing another guy who had his own controversy with CAIR (and kinda caved, actually) -- Jay Severin. I missed what happened with Jay, actually. Is he going national or something?

I listened tonight as I drove west on the Pike.

Remarkable info about tht saudi who gave 20 million to harvard and 20 Million to Georgetown for the studyof Islam. Turns out that this is the guy whose post 9/11 remarks caused Mayor Guliani to turn down his offer of 10 million. also he is a big supporter of the Al Aqsa martyrs Brigade - to the tune of $27 million.

And none of this was mentioned in the Globe.

Michael, welcome to boston. We need you.

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