
Friday, December 23, 2005

Here's a two-fer. First, hat-tip to Daily Scorecard for pointing out this NY Sun article on the Egyptian editor who penned a Holocaust-denying editorial to the tune of no protest -- 'they have received no letters to the editor' (see this entry for MEMRI's story).

It's nice to see this in the MSM, it would just be nicer to see it in the New York Times rather than the New York Sun (no disrespect intended to the Sun).

Meet the Egyptian Editor Who, Once Aided by U.S., Denies Holocaust

CAIRO, Egypt - Hisham Abd al-Rauf, the foreign editor of Egypt's largest-circulation afternoon paper, would like the readers of The New York Sun to know that he does not hate all Jewish people. But that nonetheless, he is entitled to his opinions that the Holocaust never happened, that the Romans did not destroy the Second Temple in Jerusalem because it was never built, and that Jews ordered President Bush to unseat Saddam Hussein.

But as for the Jews, Mr. al-Rauf grew up with many in his Cairo neighborhood before the Six-Day War. His father's jeweler was Jewish. In 1993, he met many more Jews, whom he claims to genuinely like, on an American government program to train foreign journalists in Boston. "I have even met some rabbis. I liked them," he said in an interview yesterday where he defended a recent column praising the Iranian president's recent remarks questioning the historical truth of the Holocaust...

And second, there is this in Reuters, about the head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood (the organization from which our own domestic Muslim American Society was formed) and his Holocaust-denying statements:

Egypt's Brotherhood leader calls Holocaust a myth

CAIRO (Reuters) - The head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition force in parliament, echoed Iran's president on Thursday in describing the World War Two Holocaust of European Jews as a myth.

"Western democracy has attacked everyone who does not share the vision of the sons of Zion as far as the myth of the Holocaust is concerned," Mohamed Mahdi Akef said in a statement.

Akef cited as evidence of Western intolerance the cases of French writer Roger Garoudy, who was convicted in France in 1998 of questioning the Holocaust, and British historian David Irving, who faces similar charges in Austria next month...

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