
Friday, December 23, 2005

I've decided to accept an invitation from Aaron Margolis, operator of two blogs, Hub Politics and Pardon My English, to join the Hub Politics posting team. Aaron's brother, Matt, runs Blogs for Bush and GOP Bloggers.

This should be a nice opportunity to contribute to the local political scene, while pushing me to focus slightly more on the local stuff and hopefully getting a few more eyes on the home blog here.

This will not affect anything here. I will likely be crossposting items of local Massachusetts interest over there as they come up, so the time commitment should be minimal (it takes all my time just keeping the content going here as it is).

I just put up my first post over there, a cross-posting of the item below: Boston City Councillor to hold hearing on Mosque land sale.

Thanks to Aaron for the invitation.


Don't overextend yourself!

Heh. Don't worry. Time was was one of my primary concerns before accepting. Thing is, since it's a group blog (and not mine), there isn't the pressure to produce like there is here. If I have an entry that would work over there, it's only a couple extra minutes to x-post the same code (maybe slightly edited for a different audience) on that blog.

Who knows, it could also bring some new opportunities what with getting a little exposure to a different readership. If it doesn't work out, I just stop. No harm, no foul.

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