
Monday, December 26, 2005

David Project head, Charles Jacobs, had a letter to the editor published in yesterday's Boston Globe reponding to their front page article on the controversy surrounding the new Boston Mosque. Jacobs' letter provides a bit more flesh and immediacy to the original and somewhat sterile Globe article. The David Project is one of the defendants in the ISB's lawsuit:

THE STORY on the lawsuit filed against us by the Islamic Society of Boston (''Praised by beacon, mosque project stalls amid rancor," Page A1, Dec. 18) did mention that the society's founder, Abdurahman Alamoudi, raised money for Al Qaeda and is in jail (in connection with a plot to assassinate a Saudi prince). But the story omitted even more worrisome facts.

The society's leaders have praised suicide bombers and called for attacks on Americans. A website in Qatar associated with society trustee Yousef al-Qaradawi, an internationally known leader of extremists, calls for gays to be executed by either stoning or burning. Al-Qaradawi has been barred from the United States. The society website praises as ''very good" a book that refers to the women's liberation movement as a ''Jewish plot" to corrupt society and argues that wife-beating is at times necessary. The library of the society's current Cambridge mosque contains literature containing vitriol directed against Christians, Jews, and Americans. While mosque spokesmen speak of ''dialogue" and tolerance, Qaradawi says ''there is no dialogue between us [and the Jews] except by the sword and the rifle.' "

As citizens, we were concerned. We wanted the society to answer simple questions, questions that it took pains to avoid answering. As a result, we have been sued by the society and forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars to defend ourselves. This is not a case about Boston bigots with discriminatory suspicions. It is a case of citizens rightfully worried that their city might be importing -- and subsidizing -- hatred and misogyny with links to terror.

The David Project

[X-Posted to Hub Politics]

1 Comment

One of the advantages of appearing in Court is that one has the opportunity to demand of Islam its essential pieties.Does the Qur'an endorse the beating of wives(it does) and does it encourage the killing of infidels(it does) and how is this compatible with the high ideals of the United States, and by the way, should homosexuals be stoned or perhaps have a wall pushed over on top of them? Straight answers to straight questions. Go ahead,sue us, make our day.(Sorry Clint)

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