
Monday, December 26, 2005

The picture this Haaretz article paints is almost more that of the last days of Mussolini than the present days of Abu Mazen:

Haaretz: Military sources: Abbas at political low point

...Senior Israel Defense Forces officials and Shin Bet security service officials have said recently during internal discussions that Abbas is impotent to enforce his directives, especially on the security front.

Abbas is barely on speaking terms with some security officials, and when he succeeds in issuing an order it is not implemented, they said.

Abbas even said that the Qassam rockets being fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel are "Israel's problem" and that he does not intend to interfere. "Let the Israelis deal with it," he said.

The Israeli officials say that apart from deploying national security forces along the border with Israel in northern Gaza, no action has been taken against the Qassams. Even though there are nearly 30,000 men in arms under the PA's banner, they have not been able to enforce their will on the Islamic Jihad and the other militant groups involved in launching the rockets.

The Israeli officials attribute the continuing launches, including the recent focus on Ashkelon and environs, to specific directives from the headquarters of the Islamic Jihad in Damascus.


"The picture this Haaretz article paints is "
maybe more accurate of the inability of the Administration to back the right horse.
Back in the 80s they backed Arafat along with the Arab League for Prince of Palestine; then when he fell out of favour they went along with, basically Arafat's choice, Abbas to intercede on his behalf and never once considered the ordinary Palestinians.,7340,L-3189733,00.html

" Current polls suggest Hamas will win significant representation – perhaps as much as 40 percent.
This should come as no surprise. The current parliament, as well as the Palestinian government, is ruled by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party. It is hard to imagine an authority that has been more of a failure than this. "

Abbas' words are just an example of empty American rhetoric when it comes to Bush's Roadmap and other "brokered" agreements.
While Americans may remain unaware one can bet one's last dollar that the Syrians and Iranians have noted it.

For at least 3 years, as a recovering 'liberal' it seems to be it should be self evident that until there is an Arab 'Altalena' there isn't anything to even hope for, let alone discuss towards peace.

There can't even be hudna as it is, and who would want one?

The inhabitants of what HAMAS and those who can enforce 'security' call a muslim waqf are as far from peace today as they were in 1947. Further away if one thinks of the galactic nuclear twerp of Iran and his Hiz B'Allah cat's paw.

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