Thursday, January 5, 2006
Lots of interesting stuff in this lengthy transcript of a talk and Q&A session by General Peter Pace:
They're not saying if you stay home, we will not come after you. They are saying their goal is to rid the Middle East of all foreigners. Then, overthrow all governments that are not friendly to them, which means every single one of those governments. Then, to use that base as a way to spread their terrorism and their oppression across the globe to include a map that shows 100 years from now that the entire globe will be under their domination. I say that to you even though you know it, because your service and all those others in uniform and not in uniform serving this country and all of our friends and neighbors around the world are the ones who are going to make a difference, and why it's important for us to realize that there is no option other than victory.
Our enemies are ruthless, uncaring. They murder children with bombs. They murdered tourists in Bali, children in Russia, folks waiting in line to vote. They are so bad that they are in fact vulnerable because of who they are. Even Zarqawi's family now recognizes what a murderer and thug he is, and they have disowned him. Think about that. The more people understand who these terrorists are, the more they will gather together to defeat them.
So what is victory in this battle? First of all, it is not victory in Europe day, it is not victory in Japan day, it is not something where there will be a signing ceremony. In Iraq, short term it is steady progress in political, economic and security; in the midterm, it's Iraqi leading all of those categories; and in the long term is a free and peaceful Iraq living at peace with its neighbors and no longer hospitable to terrorist acts.
Globally, victory is a suppression of terrorist incidents to a level below which all free nations can carry out the business of taking care of their citizens in the way that their citizens choose to be governed. This is a over time victory, it is not a pinpoint victory. And it is something that must be guarded daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. We cannot say we win and get on to the next event. We can say we are winning and we will stay at it because our children and our grandchildren deserve to live in the same kinds of freedom that you and I have enjoyed all of our lives...
(H/T: Mal)