Sunday, January 22, 2006
Pedro Zequete writing at Augean Stables invites us to comment on this Haaretz editorial calling for a high level investigation of police shootings of Israeli Arabs over the past several years, pronouncing the police "trigger happy."
I have several reactions:
1) How sad, and typical, that a newspaper has proclaimed the police guilty while at the same time asking them to start an investigation -- I'm assuming that 14 people shot dead in the past five years is even a lot. It doesn't sound like many, frankly.
2) Perhaps Arab Israelis are involved in more situations where shooting would be involved and it's typical of a Leftist press not to mention that.
3) As Pedro points out, it is an example of Israeli self-criticism similar to what happens in the American press. In that sense, it's a good thing, but as he asks, "...where is the equivalent of Haaretz in today’s Arab world?" As a rule it doesn't exist, except as the occassional exception.
4) BUT, as commenter Attila Girl astutely points out, it is itself a double standard. When there are allegations against Arabs or Muslims, the press is quick to cover or put out mitigating information for fear of a backlash. On the other hand, they bellow any perceived self-infraction without regard to the effect it will have on the "other side" who often sees self-criticism not as a strength, but as weakness, if they recognize it at all.