
Thursday, January 26, 2006

UC Irvine professor Mark LeVine advocates a full withdrawal and hands off policy toward the Middle East -- isolation behind the walls of Fortress America:

Boston Globe: A truce with Muslims

Worry not though, the other side also has responsibilities in this deal:

...As the weaker party, the Muslim world might have less to offer, but its obligations would be no less important than those of the other side. They would include, first, owning up to the incredible damage that terrorism has done to its victims, and a commitment to use nonviolent methods to pursue the often well-justified opposition to policies of their own and other governments. Second, Muslim leaders must recognize that the continual Israel-, Jew- and US-bashing that defines much of the political discourse in the Muslim world is as ugly and immoral as it is inaccurate and unhelpful...

Yeah, that'll happen.

Sadly, neither the Bush administration, with its Manichaean world view, unwillingness to admit mistakes or compromise, and commitment to ''full-spectrum dominance" of the region, nor most autocratic and corrupt Muslim leaders have an interest in calling a truce in a war that is the foundation of their power. That means it's up to the millions of citizens of the US and Muslim world to call our own truce and begin a much-needed discussion about how to heal our increasingly fragile planet...

Peace, dude.

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