Saturday, January 28, 2006
I just realized today is my three-year blogiversary. Yes, three years ago today I put up my first post. At that time I couldn't even spell blawgger, now I are one.
I shant bore you all with more of the philosophy of blogging, I did that a bit in this post, and I figure that's not what most people come around for.
I do thank all of you who stop by, read, leave comments, send emails or link here. There's no point to having a web site no one ever visits, and you have made the whole exercise worthwhile. A tip of my white plume to you all:

Be fruitful and multiply.
Someone has sent me a link to a timely and festive video I'd like to pass on, but alas, it's rather hard R-rated and perhaps not appropriate for this web site...ahem...
Happy birthday, Solomonia!
great work.
Happy Anniversary!!!!
For Solomonia's readers----be sure to vote for Sol in the Jewish Israel Blog Awards. This is a way to increase Solomonia's readership.
I'd like to add my congratulations too, Solomon.
Blawg on, mon.
"I couldn't even spell blawgger, now I are one".
Mazel tov, my friend! May you contiue to blog on for many years to come!
Way to go, Sol!
great job. i've been a fan of this site for years (which i guess would be a max of 3). keep up the good stuff.