Sunday, January 29, 2006
The Center For Special Studies has an extensive, 300 page study of cuicide bombing, including breakdowns of the groups that carried them out and their number, including descriptions and photos of attacks, their perpetrators and victims, here: Suicide bombing terrorism during the current Israeli-Palestinian confrontation (September 2000 - December 2005) [PDF].
However, during the past year (under Abu Mazen and during the lull) there has been a marked increase in the activity of the PIJ, which as become the organization most active in carrying out suicide bombing attacks. During 2005 it was responsible for five deadly suicide bombing attacks as opposed to two by Hamas (one in January, before the lull).
There are also translated documents like this one: A document captured during Operation Defensive Shield (April 2002): a Palestinian intelligence report dated October 31, 2001, regarding Iran’s intentions to use Hezbollah and the Palestinian terrorist organizations [translation in extended entry]:

Preventive Security Headquarters
General Staff
Reference: 2001.10.1200
Blessings of the homeland
In re: The opposition parties are working energetically to increase joint action
According to information in our hands, intensive meetings are being held in Damascus attended by the leaders of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] and Hezbollah to increase joint action "inside" [i.e., the PA-administered territories] with financial aid from Iran. That was after a message was sent from Iran to the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leadership stating that no calm was to be permitted [in the situation] during the present time. Hezbollah will increase its financial aid to escalate [violence] in the near future. What is now required [from the opposition parties] is to carry out suicide bombing attacks against Israeli targets in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and inside Israel.
Blessings of the revolution
Your brother
Jibril Rajoub
[Comments hand-written by Arafat:]
[At the head of the page:] Personal
Copies to: al-Majiada, al-Haj Ismail, Amin, al-Dahlan