
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I don't usually care much for Richard Cohen, but he makes some very nice points in this one. My arguments with the piece are only that he, as is the fashion, both caricatures the push for democratization and overstates Fatah's secular face -- it was, it was still Islamist/Jihadist not far below the surface.

Richard Cohen: Believe it: Hamas target is Israel

While it is probably true that Hamas won the recent Palestinian elections not because it promised to wipe out Israel, but because it promised to pick up the garbage in Gaza City, it is also true that the prospect of increased violence did not deter the average Palestinian from voting for Hamas. History has seen this sort of thing before. The rule - the only rule - is to take zealots at their word.

If you would have asked a random German in, say, 1932 if he was voting for the murder of Jews, he would have said, "Nein!" What he really wanted was an end to the brawling in the streets and a big thumbs-up to traditional German culture...

...For the Nazi, it was all in their bible, "Mein Kampf," and in their rallies and speeches. It took some effort to overlook their stated intentions, but a considerable number of people managed to do so and later professed shock at what happened. They looked into the abyss, saw nothing that concerned them personally - and went back to sleep...

Also, this, and if you can get past the gratuitous Bush-bash, you'll note a rather shocking, but not unusual attitude from a man of the Left:

...The continual mistake of the Bush administration is to think, based on not much thinking to begin with, that people are people - pretty much the same the world over. This is why the President extols democracy. It must be what everyone wants because it is what everyone here wants. But Toto knows the truth. The Middle East is not Kansas.

The leaders of Hamas brim with the word of God and the certainty of their cause. From here on they will lie about their ultimate aim and smilingly assure us that what they have always said they no longer mean. All over the world, people will believe them and urge the U.S. and Israel to do the same. Take my word for this. Anyone can see the future. It's all in the past.

(H/T: isirota1965)

1 Comment

I like Richard about as much as you do, but his main point--that we MUST take Hamas at its word--is 100% correct.

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