
Friday, February 3, 2006

First, thanks to all those who gave Solomonia a vote in the Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards. Your support was truly appreciated. The voting is over now, but you can go and poke around and see how things turned out as well as browse some of the other linked blogs.

The awards also served as a nice hook for Greg of the Jewish Russian Telegraph to interest the local Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Advocate, to do an article. Nice job, Greg, and welcome to Jewish Advocate readers.

JRTelegraph, Daniel in Brookline, Rantings of a Sandmonkey, Augean Stables, The Second Draft (though they got the URL wrong), and this blog are mentioned. I don't have the article in text yet, and it's not online, so I went ahead and scanned it. Below is the blurb from the front page. Click on it to see the article itself.

1 Comment

This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of Boston bloggers, in the Advocate of all places. They are no strangers to poor research and lack of facts. Let Margolin produce his stats. 10,0000 a week is a laughable exaggeration.

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