Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Here's video of Ken Livingstone's friend, moderate Imam Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, getting his whacks in on the cartoon business (and for guys like Qaradhawi, this is business, big business), telling the audience that they're jackasses if they fail to rage sufficiently. And what Qaradhawi sermon would be complete without a little Jew-baiting for good measure?
..."We must rage, and show our rage to the world."...
"The governments must be pressured to demand that the U.N. adopt a clear resolution or law that categorically prohibits affronts to prophets - to the prophets of the Lord and His messengers, to His holy books, and to the religious holy places. This is so that nobody can cause them harm. They enacted such laws in order to protect the Jews and Judaism. Like some Danes have said: 'We can mock Jesus and his mother.' They were asked: 'Can you mock the Jews?' Here they stopped. The Jews are protected by laws - the laws that protect Semitism, and nobody can say even one word about the number [of victims] in the alleged Holocaust. Nobody can do so, even if he is writing an M.A. or Ph.D. thesis, and discussing it scientifically. Such claims are not acceptable. When Roger Garaudy talked about it, he was sentenced to jail, according to the laws. We want laws protecting the holy places, the prophets, and Allah's messengers."...
Yousef Al-Qaradhawi is an endorser of the Islamic Society of Boston's new mosque project, and has been used by them for promotional and fund-raising purposes. Fact.
Some commentators have pointed out the absurdity of a particular form of Muslim retaliation for the cartoons: turning around and threatening to publish cartoons mocking Jews, Judaism or the Holocaust. Beyond 800-lb elephant of the Der Sturmer cartoons that already inundate Muslim media, the reaction is just bizarre. You Westerners have attacked our prophet? Well... we hate the Jews! Do they think the Quai d'Orsay is losing sleep over this?
But if you look deeply, you realize the insane logic behind this Muslim response: they appear to believe that we in the West worship the Holocaust in some manner. They worship Islam and its prophet; we worship our Jewish controllers and their Holocaust totem. If I remember correctly, this isn't the first time I've heard Islamists make this claim.
How bizarre is the political culture in that part of the world.
Heard a great clip on the radio coming back from picking up my grandson from ski class. A recording of this rant was morphed back and forth with a Hitler rant. Although the languages differ, the tone, pitch and response from the listeners were virtually indistinguishable. And, of course, everything bad was the fault of the Jews.
I've been looking around for some quotes to back up my interpretation above. Haven't yet been able to turn anything up by a Muslim source, but here's Robert Faurisson in an interview with the Tehran Times:
Another Revisionist source, Michael A. Hoffman II's interview with Iran's Mehr News Agency entitled Holocaustianity:
Nice finds. There's no question they think the Holocaust is a "sacred cow" of the west, believed for extra-intellectual reasons (since clearly, it never happened, right?).
Riiight. :) How batshit insane do you have to be to believe the Holocaust was faked?
Well, perhaps I'm about to answer my own question. I found the quote that was rolling around in my head. I should have known it was by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: