
Monday, March 6, 2006

I've snipped a little here to save space. Complete transcipt is available at the link.

MEMRI TV: Jordanian Professor and Saudi Islamist Discuss President Jefferson's 'Will' on Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

May 27, 2004 Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

The Hizbullah television station, Al-Manar, hosted a discussion between Dr. Ghazi Rabab'a, Professor of Political Science at Jordan University, and Dr. Muhsen Al-‘Awaj from Saudi Arabia, Spokesman for the World Campaign for Resisting Aggression, in which they discussed the right of the Jews to reside in the Jerusalem. Dr. Rabab'a mentioned an alleged declaration by President Jefferson calling on the American people to expel the Jews. This false declaration is commonly attributed in the Arab media to "President" Banjamin Franklin. Following is a verbatim translation of excerpts from their discussion, broadcasted on May 27, 2004.

Dr. Ghazi Rabab’a: ...when we appeal to Christian public opinion, we should say that we must revive the Pact of Omar and stand shoulder to shoulder in the face of this Jewish attack, which claims that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. There is an Islamic-Christian agreement that no Jew will live in Jerusalem.

Dr. Muhsen Al-‘Awaji: (Today, we face) a group of people, a gang, which gathered, or more accurately, which were purged from all the countries of the world. They have become loathsome in European eyes and that is why the Europeans vomited them onto our occupied land. They have become loathsome in the eyes of America and a moment ago the Doctor reminded us of the American president who advised the American nation to rid itself of the Jews so they will not enslave them.

So did the English and French who purged society – Excuse me for saying this but it's their documented world view...

Dr. Ghazi Rabab’a: Yes, the Ghettos.

Dr. Muhsen Al-‘Awaji:…Saving their societies from the quote unquote Jewish "plague" amidst them. Our brothers from all over the Islamic world know that a Jew or a Christian from their country has the right to live there, just like the Arab Muslim has the right to live there. But, gathering those from Poland, Holland, Russia, the North Pole, the South Pole…gathering them here and forcing them like a cancerous tumor into the center of the Arab Islamic body…

They have no common language with those who surround them, nor do they share their political platform with their surroundings… And then they come with this arrogance and enslave the entire world in order to allow them to violate these rights and commit these official assassinations, approved by their highest ranking officials, and after all this we are told we must discuss their legitimacy? No!

Dr. Ghazi Rabab’a: Our brothers, the Christians in these countries, are being persecuted by the Western Christians, whose Christian faith has Judaized them. 200 years ago, -President Jefferson told the American people in an official speech, "If you do not expel the Jews from your land, they will enslave you and turn you into slaves in your own lands."…

Muhsen Al-'Awaji also appears in a more recent clip from Saudi TV, here: Saudi Cleric Muhsen Al-'Awaji: Too Late for Denmark's Apology - You Cannot Put Back a Decapitated Head after It Decomposes. The Arabs Fought 40 Years to Defend the Honor of a Female Camel

1 Comment

Such screwed up heads. Pity the people who are raised to look to men such as these as spiritual guides.

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