
Friday, March 10, 2006

Hat tip to Mal for pointing out this excellent speech given by Rep. Curt Weldon. 9/11, Able Danger, Chinese missiles and more...a lot of ground covered in a very good read.

...I heard the story about the Able Danger team, not coming from people off the streets, but from a 20-man cell that was established by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Hugh Sheldon, who has publicly said, “This unit was using cutting-edge technology that we had never tried before.” When I saw the details of what they told me they had done, I said, “It’s got to be covered by the 9/11 Commission. That’s why I voted for that Commission. To give us the facts!” But it wasn’t mentioned. There wasn’t a footnote. I talked to two of the commissioners, Tim Rohmer and John Lehman, and they said they had never been briefed on Able Danger, never heard the name. I asked John Lehman, “What do I do?” He said, “Curt, you’ve got to pursue the story, because if you don’t, no one else will.” And so I have. And the deeper I dig, the sicker I become, because I’m now convinced the 9/11 Commission deliberately covered up the story.

I’m now convinced the 9/11 Commission with Able Danger did something far worse than what Richard Nixon did in covering up a third-rate burglary. Back in Watergate, no one was injured, no one was killed, and no money was stolen. With Able Danger, the facts and the details leading up the largest attack in the history of America, including the attack on the USS Cole, were covered up or isolated. On top of that, in October of last year, Louis Freeh, the former FBI Director on national TV, in an answer to Tim Russert, said, “If I’d have had the Able Danger information, Tim, we could have stopped 9/11 from ever happening.”...

There's a lot more.

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