Tuesday, March 21, 2006

That's the poster the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is using to advertize the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Lovely.
Our friend the Sandmonkey is none-to-pleased: There is something rotten in the UN.
The UN simply cannot be counted upon to be a friend of freedom and democracy.
Also see Michelle Malkin, here: The United Nations Smears Lego
Update: There's only one solution here. If only we could launch this thing at the UN:
Update: Poliblogger (in comments and at his site particularly) believes the poster is being misinterpretted. He makes a good point. It's always good to take an extra few breaths where the UN is concerned, I suppose.
In my opinion, due to the Diene report and obvious current events, the poster is at best ambiguous and certainly ill-timed and ill-advised.
And in any case, it appears to have been pulled.
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UN special rapporteur Doudou Diéne has attacked the people of Denmark calling them racists and xenophobes. Mr. Diene’s report was written in February but had not been published and only now has been ‘leaked’ to the press. Since the U... Read More
Except, the Lego is the piece being exlcuded--how does that fit (no pun intended) into the notion that the poster is showing the Dane's as exclusionary, if the Lego represents Denmark?
Plus. the UN has used Legos in their posters before.
I think you make a very good point. Unfortunately, considering the Diene report and other obviouse current events, the poster can at best be said to be ill-timed and horribly ambiguous. And now they have pulled it. Perhaps someone on the other side of the debate pointed out the Danish origins of the Lego and they acted. Ha ha.
I guess the symbolism is apt. In a rising sea where acceptance of clerical fascism of the Islamic sort has become the norm, Denmark's refusal to bow low enough to satisfy the sheiks, mullahs and imams sets it apart, a light to most nations.