Saturday, April 1, 2006
The David Project has posted a collection of documents related to the Islamic Society of Boston and their Mosque project: Recently disclosed Boston Redevelopment Authority ("BRA") documents, and notes that City Councilor Jerry McDermott is once again calling for hearings on the land deals:
The councilor’s order for hearings on the controversial project, filed earlier this month, comes after new documents have surfaced suggesting that the estimated market value of the land conveyed to the ISB was not $401,000, the price the BRA set on the land, but $2 million. The BRA had sold the land for $175,000 to the ISB, which was to furnish a “community benefits” package, including a lecture series on Islam and an Islamic library, to make up the difference.
The main purpose of the hearing would be to “vet this deal out publicly and ask if [this] is standard procedure for the BRA,” said McDermott, who chairs the Post-Audit and Oversight Committee...
...“There are broader questions about people associated with the ISB in the past that maybe prior to 9/11 no one bothered to check,” said McDermott. “I would’ve thought after that date, more scrutiny would’ve been given to … where funding sources were coming from and who we were signing a deed with.”...