
Monday, April 3, 2006

The hits just keep on coming...

MEMRITV: Saudi Billionaire Prince Walid Bin Talal Declares His Support of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad

...From this podium I convey a clear message to everyone: Syria will continue to be Lebanon's neighbor, like it or not. The Syrians will continue to be neighbors and brothers of the Lebanese. I say clearly: The Syrians and the Lebanese will remain [neighbors], and we stand firmly by their side. As for you, who are ever changing and fickle, it is you, and you alone who will soon be gone, Allah willing...

...Some try to make personal accusations against me, because of my strong ties with America, saying that my relations with it are excellent, in an effort to harm me, my investments, or my regional and international connections. I say to them: My relations with America are not just excellent, but exceptional. But you should know that these relations will never be at the expense of my brotherly Arab and Muslim relations, like my relations with Syria and its president...

...People die, but homelands remain. Loyal positions are eternal... History will pass them by... They are not worthy of being included in history. Allah be praised, they are a minority in one of Syria's neighbors. A tiny minority...

As for Syria, allow me, Mr. President, to quote you: "Syria is protected by Allah..." Yes, Mr. President, I always follow your speeches.

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