
Monday, April 10, 2006

MEMRITV: Saudi Author Dr. Muhammad Al-'Arifi on Show Produced by Saudi Ministry of Religious Endowments: Women in the West Marry Dogs and Donkeys; 54% of Danish Women Do Not Know Who Fathered Their Babies

Dr. Muhammad Al-'Arifi: One of the most important things that distinguish Man from beast is the ability to control one's desires. Allah said about some of the infidels: "They are like cattle; nay, they stray farther off the path." If you look at them, you will see that when they want to go to sleep - they go to sleep, with complete disregard for the times of the five prayers. If he feels like committing adultery - he does. If he feels like having any type of sexual relations - he does, regardless of whether it is permitted or prohibited [I can attest that that's false. Trust me on this. -S].

Therefore, as I said on previous shows, they have organizations for homosexuals, organizations for people who marry animals - she marries a dog, a donkey, and so on... The organizations exist, and strangely enough, they are official. They have websites, and they publish magazines with pictures...

He's just mad he wasn't invited to the party.


Hang on a minute, didn't Sudanese religious authorities just force a bloke to marry a goat?

Funny that he didn't reference American organizations that encourage pedophile relations between men and boys as an example of western decadence.

Funny that he didn't reference American organizations that encourage pedophile relations between men and boys as an example of western decadence.

They're right in that Democratic women marry -- species recognition, don't you know? -- dogs and donkeys.

Apologies to the real thing -- dogs and donkeys -- among the most hard working and earnest species know to man.

Seems to me like the good Doctor needs to install Net Nanny and quit surfing the porn sites.

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