
Monday, April 24, 2006


Alright, I'm taking bets here. How long before the Arab press blames Jews in general and teh Mossad in particular for the terrorist attack?

less than 24 hours. they are absolutely dependable.

These guys work fast!

Egyptian analyst: Can't rule out that Mossad was involved in attack

Retired General Salah al-Din Salim, an Egyptian researcher at the Strategic Studies Institute in Cairo, said that it could not be ruled out that the Israeli Mossad was involved in the terror attack in Dahab.

"The Mossad's ability to penetrate the Bedouins in Sinai is known," Salim said in an interview with al-Jazeera. (Roee Nahmias),7340,L-3243397,00.html

Sometimes, life is so sadly predictable.

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