Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Sheik is on the peace train...
I remind them - and especially our brothers in Fatah, who are very powerful and many... I remind them of their Islamic religious roots, which were based on resistance and Jihad from day one. They announced their motto: "Revolution until victory." I remind Abu Mazen of his oath to Allah from day one - Revolution until victory. I remind them of this. All the attempts to reach what they call peace, but is in fact surrender, are completely futile, and will not get them the slightest thing.
The Palestinian people has sacrificed its blood. It has easily sacrificed its souls, for the sake of its cause, its religion, and its homeland. Should we not give them money?
The Jews throughout the world - despite their well-known stinginess, miserliness, and selfishness, and despite their worship of gold... The Jews contributed generously to the Jewish state, before and after its establishment, and they are still contributing to this day. Shouldn't the Arabs and Muslims contribute for their sacred cause?
According to Islam, any land invaded by the enemy, even if it is only a small piece of land - it is the duty of its people to defend it. If they cannot or are remiss in this, it becomes the duty of their neighbors - and so on, until it includes all the Muslims of the world. I believe that the Muslims throughout the world have become responsible for the liberation of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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