
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Updates on Yale's Cole courtship (see yesterday's post: John Fund Notices Yale's Interest in Cole -- Updated (and Bumped)):

Sissy continues the Cole examination today with "A reliable commodity that Yale can buy" and Armed Liberal lays the super smack-down via a trip down memory lane in An Army of Juan.

Update: And one of the masters of Coletertainment "Anton Efendi" can't resist getting his two cents in with Yale or Bust!


Anton Efendi aka... Tony Badran is really the one who takes apart Cole with the most credibility. He has the academic background to taek him apart when he often tries to play in fields he no shit about and also the wittiness to be funny at the same time.

He's basically gansta.


I posted a Cole roundup yesterday, with links to Tony's ouevre.

The real battle:

Certainly it would be a failure of academic standards for Juan Cole to be appointed to Yale. Professors should be hired for their scholarship, not because they are poster-children for anti-Americanism like Cole. but even if Yale wises up, Cole has a perfectly dandy tenured job at the very prestigious University of Michigan.

We should be focusing on the initial appointments of blatantly politicized scholars with paltry credentials, like Laura Bier at Georgia Tech.

and over the tenure decisions of professors who have already exhibited their eagerness to prostitute scholarship in the service of destroying "the Jews." Hatem Bazian at Berkeley, Joseph Massad and Nadia Abu El Haj at Columbia, and Norman Finkelstein come to mind.

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