
Monday, May 8, 2006

First thought on reading the headline is that this is the natural end result of complete Political Correctness -- utter stasis. Further reading shows (the prose is a bit tough to get through) that this is one person's idea of consistency, and not a bad one at that.

Student Parliament with new resolution: Wants a mega-boycott

This is clearly stated in a sensational resolution that the Student Parliament at UiO passed last week. It is the Student Parliament’s position that the University should terminate academic international co-operation altogether and call home exchange students. This is in addition to UiO and the Foundation for Student Life in Oslo (SiO) taking part in the boycott of goods and services targeted against no less than twelve nations.

- This is the most radical resolution from a governing student body in 30 years, the satisfied leader of Venstrealliansen, Benjamin Jonsrud, says...

...The original proposal from Sosialdemokratene applied only to a boycott of Israel [Of course!]. Later, Øystein R. Sundelin from Moderat Gruppe made amendments that were supposed to include all occupying nations of the world. It was resolved with a meager majority of votes from MG, mainly comprised of members from The Conservative Party of Norway (H) and The Liberal Party of Norway (V), as well as from Venstrealliansen with members from The Socialist Left Party of Norway (SV) and Rød Valgallianse (RV), a far-left political party.

Sundelin is now concerned about the effects of the resolution:

- Why, then, did you go ahead with the proposal?

- My intention was to demonstrate the inconsistency of the Student Parliament. What is more, I do not have the capacity to look after the other representatives...

Israel given priority [Of course!]

Current leader of the Student Parliament Maria Veie Sandvik strongly denounces Kristian Meisingset's stern statements.

- Group leader Meisingset has to be responsible for the way MG votes and not blame others, she says.

She feels that the resolution is so wide-ranging that parts of it need to be given priority, primarily Israel [Shocking!].

- Judging from the debate in the Student Parliament, a priority of Israel is natural, Veie Sandvik, who is seeking an unambiguous stand from the Rector, says...


What happened to Armenia, Ethiopia and Nigeria?

Maybe they ran out of space on the resolution petition thingy.

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