
Monday, May 8, 2006

Jamie Glazov interviews the attorney for Anti-Cair's Andrew Whitehead, Reed Rubinstein. The whole thing is worth reading for a refresher on the background of the Council for American Islamic Relations, but here's a particularly good point:

...CAIR avoids critical scrutiny, and its leaders are especially thin-skinned. To me, these traits suggest CAIR is vulnerable. It’s important to remember that parties who resort to using lawsuits as a substitute for open debate generally do so for two reasons: First, they have the money to do so, and second, they recognize they can’t win a fair exchange of ideas. CAIR apparently had the economic resources available to support its litigation campaign. But I can only speculate why CAIR tried to silence Mr. Whitehead. My sense is that every time a CAIR official appears on television, more of the truth seeps out, and CAIR alienates more and more Americans. In fact, I believe that if the mainstream media subjected CAIR to a fraction of the scrutiny given to the Duke Lacrosse team case, CAIR would be totally discredited...

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