
Monday, May 15, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, dogged by immigration issues, death threats, and even eviction from her home, will be resigning from the Dutch Parliament to move to the United States and take a position at AEI. Stunning.

Pieter Dorsman comments here, and this comment before the current revalation but still worth reading, here.


I would like to read more details on Hirsi Ali 'exagerrating' the details of her past.
However, it's so disgusting you'd wonder how the Netherlands isn't completely ashamed.

Hopefully she'll garner a loud voice here but will never get into gov't since she's really Dutch and not American and will only now be a spokesman who may/may not get prominent TV time or college speaking tours. Quite a lower profile.

Wonder will she get protection here as well?


I'd be very surprised if some sort of protection weren't part of her gig with AEI.

She lied by exaggerating the extent of her oppression because she wanted a better life in Europe - like most refugees.

The Dutch press is all over it.

I say she has paid her debt to society for this "crime" with interest.

Anna -

Yes but in the video special at peaktalk (in dutch) there is an interview with her family or someone (her brother?) who states she went to a wedding where her family was at and had no fear because they would never do anything to her etc.....

thus, if she lied about this in her speeches or posture it hurts her credibility a lot unfortunately.

plus, she is agreeing to leave way too easily it would appear, unless there was a behind the scenes deal made via negotiation between her and the gov't.... either way she is never one to back down from a fight, as her family or several people in the video note, thus her apparent sudden move to the US after the very recent news of being evicted and now her citizenship challenged... is a little noteworthy or striking at the least to me.


You're right. I looked at some of the press and her credibility is smashed. And that's a shame, because we need someone who is the person we thought she was.

I didn't jump to the conclusion that "her credibility was shot"... I just said I wanted to read more and see what the real story is.

a) She never hid the fact of how she exagerrated/lied about her situation to gain asylum.

b) She likely would not have gained asylum if simply to flee an arranged marriage.

c) Her emails were sent using her real name for years to everyone in Parliament.... lol a "big" secret.

d) In 2002 on television (I believe on their Jay Leno program) she admitted she lied about her actual story to gain asylum. She didn't enter politics until 2003 by the way.

e) In her resignation letter she refutes that her "arranged marriage claim" was false.

f) She says part of the reason she changed her name, though her real long name going back to all her male patriarachs includes Ali, so that her clan would not track her down as easily.

g) Now it appears (link to Zach El below) that the firestorm about her being forced out is starting to hit the fan and the blowback looks like it is going to be severe perhaps? Of course that didn't prevent her neighbors from sucessfully getting her evicted, thought the gov't is appealing this. Verdonk may be ferklumpt after all this is said and done, however that doesn't change the "what's good for me screw you and please go away somewhere" lasses fairre attitude of her neighbors and the disgusting court and its decision.

I don't know exactly about the part that she was afraid "for her life" part... from her family that is... if she in fact claimed that or if it in fact is true etc..

I'm grateful that you put the time in to follow this story

It will be interesting to see how it plays; too often, we ignore the flaws and lies of those we agree with politically, and lynch theose we disagree with for oftimes minor transgressions

I keep hoping that something will wake Europe up, I hoped after Madrid, after London, after the French ritos, after Theo Van Gogh

who knows, maybe the expulsion fo Hirsi Ali will wake Holland up to the danger of becoming a majority Muslim continent

I'll keep hoping

Also her resignation letter states that as of 2005 she told her party, VVD, that she did not plan to run for re-elction in 2007. However, she outlines her reasons for resigning now a year earlier I assume? I don't know if that means Nov 06 elections for 07 taking office or elections in 07? (Perhaps the moderator here (Martin) can provide that bit of research)
And that includes her eviction from her house, having to constantly change houses in the past for her safety, etc... etc...

Read those links they're excellent. I must admit a little excitement on my part at the thought of her being on the Cable News circuit with guys like Bostom or Spencer crushing the Islamic apologists phonies from CAIR, AMC etc...


I'd have to imagine that she'd garner a much better reception in America that she did in Holland, especially when American see a dignified good looking black woman speaking with a nice soft British accent...... LOOK OUT!


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